Cabrillo II | MARINe
Cabrillo II
Click here for Long-Term trends
Cabrillo II is located in the South Coast region of California, in Cabrillo National Monument. The site is located within the Cabrillo State Marine Reserve. This site is adjacent to and south of Cabrillo I, and receives approximately 10,000 visitors per year. It is patrolled by volunteers of the National Park service who educate visitors and enforce no-take regulations. This gently sloping site consists of moderately uneven terrain, containing few cracks and folds.
Cabrillo II is dominated by a mixture of consolidated sandstone, mudstone, and granite bedrock and boulder fields, and the area surrounding the site is comprised of a mixture of consolidated bedrock and boulder fields. The primary coastal orientation of this site is west.

Long-Term Monitoring Surveys at Cabrillo II were established in 1990, and are done by Cabrillo National Monument. Long-Term MARINe surveys currently target the following species: Chthamalus/Balanus (Acorn Barnacles), Tetraclita (Pink Barnacle), Pollicipes (Goose Barnacle), Mytilus (California Mussel), Silvetia (Golden Rockweed), Egregia (Feather-Boa Kelp), Red Algal Turf, Phyllospadix (Surfgrass), and Pisaster (Ochre Star). In addition, water temperature is monitored at this site. Click here to view Long-Term trends at this site.
Click here to view the Cabrillo Rocky Intertidal Monitoring Program 15 year report (1990-2005).
For more information about Cabrillo II, please contact Lauren Pandori (